The University of Southampton

Leadership and Diversity by Professor Bashir Al-Hashimi CBE FREng - Event

5th of March, 2020  @  10:00 - 11:30
Building 100, Suite 1001

Event details

This event is organised by Women's Physics Network (WPN)

It is open to everyone, of all genders and from undergraduate to UoS staff.

Professor M. Al-Hashimi CBE FREng, Professor of Computer Engineering and Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences at the University of Southampton​ gives a talk on leadership and diversity.

"I will take the opportunity to share my own journey as a BaME senior academic leader within the HE sector, highlighting some of the challenges and achievements I have encountered along the way.

I will discuss my experiences against the backdrop of those steps we might now consider to enable us to develop a more inclusive, equal and diverse culture, reflecting on work-life balance and managing the diversity of expectations we have in our modern world against the pressures we feel as a consequence.

I will encourage students and staff from across the University to contribute to this important discussion." Professor Bashir Al-Hashimi.

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